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For over 25 years I have not been a fan of the Christmas season, but after seeing Christmas Is Here Again, I’m starting to believe again.
— Santa Maria Times
An epic holiday adventure that can yield laughter and tears from the most heard-hearted scrooge among us.
— The Santa Maria Sun
Combining music, comedy, and drama this original story has something for everyone and captures the true holiday spirit.
— Dave Alley (KCOY Central Coast News)
What a wonderful production. I loved it. I highly recommend it. Congratulations to PCPA and Renegade Animation on this world premiere.
— Henry Scroff
Saw this last night and it was hilarious! Don’t miss it, it’s a wonderful addition to the ‘usual’ Christmas plays!
— Wanda Jenkins
It is an awesome show! Took my 11, 8 and 6 year old grandkids and they all loved it!
— Nelta Oates
The questions is not “if” I will see the show again. The question is how many times!
— Debbie Heinz Nott
Extremely well done!! Great performance and scripting. Well worth seeing for the Holiday season!
— Richard Healy
I was there today, the show was awesome! Thank you for doing what you do to entertain us... especially the kids, they loved it!
— Ashley Laurel
It was outstanding! The music was beautiful and a lovely story. Congratulations!
— Kelly Ann Mayling
Very energetic and fun. Loved the stage and scenery. Got 2 big thumbs up from my 10 year grandie.
— Linda Lance De Maria
This was everything a Christmas show should be. Absolutely fabulous!
— Donna Nardi